Saturday, September 20, 2008


Maddy recently announced to me that she is "So Toot (cute)." This was a well-timed proclomation, as I really wanted to kill her, and she must have realized I needed a reminder. She is definitely practicing being two. She won't be the real deal until December.

I love the way most of her words start with the "t" sound. It makes everything a little harder to understand, but it is, well, "toot". She loves to sing and dance, which is also adorable. Out of all my kids, she is the most stubborn, by far. She also the most incredibly self-assured little thing.

She loves her little baby cousin Alina (5 months old), even though she will occasionally move Alina's toys just out of reach, just to see what happens.

An Introduction

For many months I have contemplated beginning a blog. After I finally made the decision to go for it, the next question is, what purpose will it serve?
Will I use it to vent daily about my inner struggles? My highs and lows as a homeschool mom? My many adventures as a children's minister working with needy local families? So many hats, so little time....
In the end, I guess we'll just have to see what happens!!