Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cole's Story

We leave Saturday morning for Illinois to visit Casey's family!! This has been a crazy week as I try to get Angel Tree going and independent to prepare to be out of town for a week and a half! Plus Casey is in a business competition and he has a huge project due tomorrow. We see each other in passing, and have only been alone for 2 hours this whole week (but we've made those hours count! Wink, wink!!) Anyway, I've been "tagged" for the first time (thank you, Bethany, I am honored!), and I promise I am going to do that...maybe in the morning, since I'm the first one up and it's nice and quiet then.
But I just had to share Cole's story tonight.
We're going to visit my grandmother tomorrow. She's been in a nursing home for rehab (the physical-therapy-kind, not the drug-kind). She's been really lonely and lost 10 pounds, and when we went to see her last week, Cole was a little fidgety and impatient. So I thought if he made her something they could talk about, he'd be a little more engaged. So he made her a book, and he is very proud of it. He told me what to write, and he illustrated it. Here it is:
FYI, my dad's name is Bob.


  1. I love love love that story. What an imagination!
    Just a fun side note - My dad's name is Bob too!

  2. I didn't realize your dad's name is Bob, too--funny!

  3. Will your dad be honored to be mentioned in a story? I'm sure he will. Cole is very imaginative and I love his pictures. His handwriting is amazing too! :)
